Dermot-TuringM. RejewskiThe British cryptanalysts were indebted to the pioneering efforts of the Polish code-breaking team, including in particular Marian Rejewski, for their work on the Enigma codes before the outbreak of World War 2. The help which they provided the British team was invaluable in enabling the British, including Alan Turing, to make early progress on Enigma codes and, through their success, to influence the course and duration of the war.
John Dermot Turing
Sir John Dermot Turing
Before Poland fell you gave the Allies Enigma […] Breaking the unbreakable Axis code saves tens of thousand lives. For this, you have the enduring gratitude of the American people.
(George Bush)

Cracking of the German Enigma Code was the most important weapon against Hilter and his armies. (Winston Churchill)
  • Few more days… - Diplomas as well as OQRS system will be available in few days. We will also contact very soon participants who will receive the trophy from us. In the mean time we would like to invite you to participate in Italian “Enigma Award” action. Our Italian friends have been organizing it already before so you might … Continue reading Few more days…
  • All good things come to an end - Our action came to an end. On Sunday you could hear last CQs of our special stations. Conditions improved noticeably and finally we could reach DX stations. It’s a pity it was so late. Our team works at the moment on creating broader statistics which we will publish on the website. Please remember that to … Continue reading All good things come to an end
  • Last weekend - Dear radio friends – a weekend is ahead of us, last days of our action, which will end as planned with the end of August 30th. There’s a full mobilization in our ranks, we count for the same on your side. Please remember that we also work on directional beams and not always we can … Continue reading Last weekend
  • Marian Rejewski biography - Read the Marian Rejewski biography, it is a very special history card of the Second World War. If you can spare some time to translate it from polish / english into your language, we’ll be really grateful.
  • Your letters - We’re getting approbation and congratulations letters from you. It is very kind of you, we thank you all. Write us if you have time to do so, we will pass your letters to the Bydgoszcz city authorities, thanks to which this whole game is on the air.
  • SN0LEAK again - SN0LEAK transmitted again. This time for entire day using digital modes. We’ve made 255 QSOs. You’ve been vigilant, clever and fast. A special congratulations for IZ6GVT who first made a QSO.
  • SN0LEAK - The SN0LEAK station appeared on the air. Please remember to search for it on the air, not in the clusters. We’re assuring our colleague YO6DDF that we do not favor anyone. At the very moment there is an entry to the DX Cluster, we announce QRT. Yesterday tens of stations could find out about it. … Continue reading SN0LEAK
  • TOP 10 - TOP 10 ranking is changing very rapidly. During last days the leaders were shuffled quite a bit. Friends from Ukraine, Italy, Serbia or Russia did not say the last word yet. We cheer all the competitors on.
  • Ciphers - Almost 350 participants of our educational game fulfilled the conditions to receive the Enigma Award diploma. 550 ciphers with complete set of settings for Enigma machine still await to be decrypted. We’ve issued over 3200 ciphers from the beginning of our action. If you have any trouble with decryption, please contact us in Polish / … Continue reading Ciphers
  • Propagation - Propagation is not favoring our stations. High bands are closed, preventing our signals from reaching other continents. However, from time to time we can hear USA, Canada, Brasil, Uruguay, Japan or New Zealand. On lower bands we’re facing lots of QSB and local QRM.